The point is that I believe people create it and use it because it is so damned easy to, in most cases Download. It is another style, nothing special, although not suited to all tastes I think it can be used cleverly in small doses. I question however why this huge lean toward Grunge? You have done a great job Henry as is attested to by many. Thanks for taking the time to create and post. It’s really nice to find a site like yours where a creative person SHARES such quality work in this world where usually nothing is REALLY free. Sweet collection, been looking around for some grunge brushes, this is definitely a good addition to my texture collection. These are really great! Thanks for sharing! Thanks! Almos all my work is grunge-based (except when it doesn’t fit, obviosly), and I looove to have access to this kind of stuff.īeautiful textures.i always love grunge.:)thanks for the share

It’s a style that seems to never get old.